Sunday, July 31, 2005

Still playing with over-exposures

Looking back, I've played with under-exposing plenty of shots, especially sunsets, or when I was zooming around 400mm to increase the shutter speed. But I've not done much intentional over-exposure, until these exercises.

Saturday, we went to our County Fair, and they had some truck drag races in the mud (if there's a formal name for that sport, I missed it). Here are a couple of shots: the first over-exposed by 2 stops, the second set to 1/25 and f8, which was more than +2 stops. I panned with the trucks, using the full zoom; post processing I've cropped, adjusted levels to darken, and tweaked the saturation down.

These shots convey the motion/ action well, and while I'm not ready for a Sports Illustrated assignment, I've got to say that this week's exercises made me realize that over-exposing doesn't have to result in blowing out all of the important highlights.

Which brings me to this shot. The day I posted the memorial arch I also took this shot, and I've returned to it, as it has an attractive quality to me. I took it at f8 for 1/2 second, sweeping slightly along the curve of the bridge. What I like about this shot, is that it gives me the opposite feeling of the actual scene - tension, edginess, mild fear of the unknown. I'm not usually thinking those things, or operating there, but I like this result (as of today).

A properly-exposed shot of the same bridge is shown below (1/25 at f8).


Blogger ursula said...

I love the sense of freedom that you get from looking at the bridge pictures - the curve is so graceful, but strong.

I also like the panning shots, the second one in particular, IMO, gives the sense of movement quite beautifully.

11:48 PM  
Blogger Falc said...

The sports shots are interesting but maybe could be overexposed even more to kill the detail and wash out the colours. This might give you even longer exposure times and more chance to pan with the action.

The bridge shot is terrific, really doues draw you into it. I am very impressed with the outcome.

2:15 PM  
Blogger Neil said...

The sports panning shots came out great, and I like the bridge as well. Gives me an idea to do a bridge shot "across" the bridge with camera movement, to simulate fear of crossing bridges!

12:44 AM  

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